Archive for ‘Humor’

January 2, 2013

Blog of the Year Award!

It’s been just a bit over a year since I started this blog, and I have to say it was worth it. I remember sitting at my desk, exploring every possibility of pushing off studying for a test I don’t even remember the class for. I thought that it would be interesting being able to write about things that were on my mind, as a sort of escape, not just from studying but also from everyday life. A place where I could put down thoughts, dreams, worries, and escape from the harshness of everyday living. I never really thought that things I wrote would impact others, since most of the time I would just write about things that only I thought I had troubles with.


But I was wrong, boy was I wrong. My topics started off pretty generic, but as I began to write about things that mattered to my heart I began to find other readers, writers, and scholars that walked that same or similar paths as I had just begun to walk. The things that I felt were big ‘problems’ in my life, were in reality, nothing at all. In short, to sum up the one thing that I learned this past year, is that of perspective. Putting yourself in someone else’s shoes and realizing how blessed y0u are. That it can always be worse. Much worse. And for anyone reading this, I would like to extend that gratitude to you. Because it is you, who have given me this perspective and allowed me to realize that everything that you do matters. Even the little things.

That sounds so sappy, haha, but I don’t care. It’s a new year, new beginning! SO, onto the main point of this post, I would especially like to thank Wilhelmina, and Nina for nominating me (twice?!) for The Blog of the Year Award! Like I mentioned, when I first started I thought that I would be writing these things down for my own record, something to look back at years from now. I never really expected people to read what I wrote, and this award shows for that. It really does mean a lot receiving this award from these two fantastic writers. So thanks again!

Blog of the Year Award banner 600

An so, the rules:

1. Select the blog(s) you think deserve the ‘Blog of the Year 2012’ Award
2. Write a blog post and tell us about the blog(s) you have chosen – there’s no minimum or maximum number of blogs required – and ‘present’ them with their award.
3. Please include a link back to this page ‘Blog of the Year 2012’ Award – and include these ‘rules’ in your post (please don’t alter the rules or the badges!)
4. Let the blog(s) you have chosen know that you have given them this award and share the ‘rules’ with them
5. You can now also join our Facebook page – click the link here ‘Blog of the Year 2012’ Award Award and then you can share your blog with an even wider audience
6. As a winner of the award – please add a link back to the blog that presented you with the award – and then proudly display the award on your blog and sidebar … and start collecting stars…

And so in no particular order:

Secondhand Thoughts – The resolute and placid photography has many a time transported me to another place. It’s all about the escape for me, and here I am able to find what I long for.

Quiet One – One of the blogs that has really stuck out to me lately. If you’re looking for perspective, look no further. You may learn a few things on taking things for granted.

Lady Barefoot Baronness – Lady BB has been one of the constant people to encourage me since the start. Words do mean a lot, especially coming from a stranger. And she definitely has a way with words. Kind of like chicken soup, for the soul!

Trying To Know Thyself – Every post is either thought provoking, or super intellectual. She has made me think every time with what she has to say. Almost afraid to visit, since everytime I check WP I’m pretty braindead :P

Doorway To Amaranthia – Has a way with words. The poetry that I have managed to read have all been superb and multi-lateral. Not many people can do that with words, and I admire that.

Green Paw-Paw – Always has in-depth reviews of the latest literature, and I have actually been introduced to some awesome books as a result. “Monsters do not behave themselves – that’s the whole idea!” ;P

Deep Thinkings – The name says it all. If I could only write half as decent as mrprose…haha. New Years resolution maybe? Another awesome blog on finding perspective.

Unlost in Translation – One part diary, one part observation, and all parts critical thinking. If only I could travel as much… :)

Pouring My Art Out – One word. Photoshop. I don’t know how many times the pictures that I have found on there have made me chuckle. And in the good old fashioned clean comedy kind.

iliketheworldfuzzy – Hilarious! Little Blind Girl is always one to bring in rather outrageous stories, one that combines humor with every day life despite the minor inconvenience that her eyesight may bring. Absolutely hilarious :D

And there we go! I know there wasn’t any requirement for the descriptions, but I thought I’d share how all of these blogs have come to support me, with all of their fantastic writings. It’s absolutely the least I could do. So hears to you, and to a new year! As always, I’m always looking forward as to what the next year will bring.

Blog of the Year Award 3 star jpeg

October 7, 2012


So in order to massage my brain out of a self induced coma fueled by over 8 hours of straight homework, I thought I’d give my mind a chance to relax by posting about how my homework is slowly crippling my ability to function in a social environment. I don’t even know if that made sense, and quite frankly, I don’t care.

As of this moment, I’m sitting here in my room (which is totally dark by the way, save for one lamp [and it’s 3 in the afternoon]) surrounded by a water bottle which has nourished me for the last day and a half as well as some gum. I can barely feel my left leg, since I’ve been sitting on it for the past hour and a half now and the texture of my chair is imprinted…no, engrained on it like some unwanted tattoo.

So where am I going with this? No clue. Just thought I’d let my mind vomit out all this unnecessary information before going back to work and this is my way of holding back it’s hair. Wow, wtf. But really this next week is definitely going to suck, I don’t think I have ever had a test, paper(s), and a speech back to back before. And the funny thing is, I’m not even procrastinating this time! I’m trying to get ahead! But oh well.


However, there are definitely things that I’m looking forward to. Can’t wait for Paranormal Activity 4 in a few weeks! Halloween too! Also, I just bought Portal 2 for 20 bucks, good thing it’s not going to finish downloading until about 10 hours from now…Otherwise I would have just doomed all of my attempts at being productive. It would have been literally the exact situation as in the Lord of the Rings when Isildur had to once in a lifetime opportunity to destroy Sauron’s ring…yet he decided that some bling was in order to decorate his pimp hand and to show those Orcs who’s boss. Literally.

Pimp hand, 97% complete.

On the other hand, I recently watched the new version of The Thing and totally had no idea that the new version is actually a prequel to the original. The ending scene is the introduction to the original 1980 something movie. It blew my mind. Not so much as the guy whose mind was literally blown apart by the alien-beetle-copycat thing. But still, close enough. It wasn’t bad I guess. The monster has the ability to mimic any other person and considering this takes place in Antarctica or somewhere similar, you could see that some trust issues are going to come up. Paranoia at it’s finest.

Trust me guys! I’m still human, it was just a scratch. Let me just give you a hug. I’m cold, you’re cold…we can make it work ;D

Anyways, I should probably get back to my homework now…especially if I want to sleep anytime tonight. Oh yea, I always seem to find the best music when I’m trying to do something else. Anyways, I thought I’d leave you all with this. This song makes me so happy! Wish me luck as I try to get through this week specially made from the depths of Hades with the sole purpose of ruining my sole purpose of having fun!


September 8, 2012

The Great Getaway.

The weekend was a much needed reprieve from the harrows of the week prior. It seems like every single day was a week in itself. But oh well. My roommate had to go out of town to attend a wedding meaning I had the house all to myself today. For once I had the luxury of being able to just enjoy the silence. Not going to lie, I did absolutely nothing today. And I liked it. But these days don’t come around too often, so I was just taking advantage of the opportunity before things began to pick up again.

So in the solitude that I was able to find for myself I thought about the things that have been on my mind lately. Being an upperclass cadet literally means that I have to be the embodiment of leadership. I have a pretty sweet responsibility of being a role model to all of the incoming freshman and even the sophomores and everything we get taught in our class has to do with the L-word. Leadership. Everything we do is always under constant scrutiny and we are expected to set the bar higher and higher all the time, by our cadre (-our professors) Just by knowing all of the different aspects and ways to apply it in everyday life. There are literally countless ways to be a leader. Everybody is a leader in some way or form. The key being how to be an effective leader. I can practically tell you all of the traits of a good leader, but it’s the execution which is the hardest part. It definitely does a number on you after awhile and I’m starting to feel burned out by it. And it’s only the 3rd week of school!

I’ve been just a tad bit down lately also because I haven’t been to church in a bit now, especially after breaking away from the one I was in last year. I’m still looking around for a good one, but until then Joel Osteen has got my back. I tend to post when something is bothering me, and I find that to actually help me out. Not only because I get to vent, but also because I get to realize how much my problems are nothing compared to some others out there. It helps me to realize that I could be in so much more of a worse situation. But I also like to post because I may never know who my words reach out to. I am definitely optimistic in that someone may be able to take these words to heart.

I know because I found myself in that exact same situation years prior. I was definitely at a dark time of my life, but the kind words of some stranger absolutely changed my view of how I perceived my situation and how that although things may have seemed bad…nothing is permanent. Where you are in life can only be determined by, well, your own determination. And looking back, I have turned 180 degrees and come to a point in life that I never would have imagined myself to be in. So I just wanted to point out that it’s not impossible. There are others who need help and that you can be that help for someone out there. And I’m not just talking about blogging.

Take a few extra seconds to hold that door for the person behind you, throw in a few smiles here and there. People love smiles, trust me they do! Especially in today’s world, which seems to be dominated by news of people dying here or riots there. Wars over there, and people getting cheated on over yonder.

I may have used this one before, but I just love this picture!

I really have no idea what happened to this post, considering that I was just going to complain about how busy I was…but looking back, I really can’t follow the thought process, but I have to say I like how it ended up. (I never draft what I’m going to post, I just sit down and let my mind wander and take me where ever it wants to go, hence the lack of a coherent thought pattern). Anyways, I thought I’d share that before school started picking up again and I lose myself in my own thoughts again!

September 4, 2012


I haven’t really had anything on my mind or anything of that sort lately, so being tagged by Trying To Know Thyself has really helped to keep my mind focused on something nonetheless. So lately I’ve been crippled with a severe case of writers block and as I sit here nothing will come to my mind. I just feel really burned out lately and reading back through some of the posts that I wrote in the past brings back that feeling of nostalgia.


Those memories where I was so busy from school, but after coming home late at night…instead of sleeping like a normal person would I would have a nice mug of hot chocolate and let loose those things that were on my mind. Those memories where it was cold and dark outside, the outside of my window blurred by the rain and thunder and surrounded by howling winds. The only way I could express myself being through words and getting to know more of so many people with shared interests. Not going to lie, the only reason that this wordpress account is still here is because of all of the interesting, amazing, and genuinely kind people that I have had the opportunity to meet.

It’s definitely sad, knowing that some people have deactivated their accounts and I may never talk to them again. Not only that but just thinking back to all of the people that I got to know at school personally in the last year. But hey, I guess that’s life. People come and go. You just have to be careful about how much of your heart you let them take. It was good while it lasted. But you just got to keep looking forward!


Alright so back to the tag!

The Rules

1. I must post the rules.

2. I must answer the questions the tagger listed for me

3. I must create (or reuse) 11 questions for those I tag.

4. I must tag 11 people.

5. I must let them know they’ve been tagged.

Alright, so for this time since I just recently tagged 11 people, I’ll be skipping rules 3-5. But if you want to answer these questions as well, feel free to! You can even just post the answers in the comments. But that’s only if you want to.

The Questions

1. What is your earliest memory?

My earliest memory would have to be when I was growing up in Korea. My mom told me to get dressed for school. Now at the time I was going to a private school and we had uniforms that we had to wear. So I went and put on my purple sweats (because that was the uniform, I guess!) and we went to get some delicious snacks from the local market before we went to the bus stop. All I remember was crying my eyes out as she dropped me off on the bus to my first day of Pre-school.

2. Who is your favorite musician?

Hmm, I don’t think that I could narrow it down to just one musician. There are just too many people that I gain inspiration from. And that inspiration ranges a wide variety of genres. I always love to hear new things. Music to me is poetry in motion, it’s the bridge to the soul. I can tell you who aren’t my favorite musicians…the one’s that they play over and over on the radio these days. Sometimes it surprises me the crap they put on the radio.

3. What was the saddest moment in your life?

The saddest moment of my life was when I moved from my hometown, to go live in a totally new town. This happened when I was in 3rd grade. I was pretty set at the time, having made some really close friends (you know, the one’s you would get in trouble with ;) Turns out the move out couldn’t wait until the end of my 3rd grade year. My parents went with me to school one day and I got to say my final goodbyes. I never got to see any of those friends again. It’s ok though, that wasn’t the first time that I had to deal with moving. If there’s one thing that makes me sad, it’s that a lot of my friends now have had people that they knew since they were practically in diapers and they’re really close friends now. But I will never be able to relate to that. I always feel that I can never relate.

4. What was the happiest moment in your life?

The happiest moment in my life would have to be when my mom made it through her 8 hour surgery. She was diagnosed with a ‘large’ class tumor in her brain, and that although the chance of having a fatal surgery was slim, she could end up being paralyzed, or plagued with strokes the rest of her life after. Good news was, everything went perfectly. The doctor told us that strokes and paralysis are nothing to worry about since none of the nerves were damaged throughout the process. I honestly thought that my relatively short time with my mom would end right there, that life after would be different. But she is 100% now and that strength is what gives me the motivation to do the things that I am doing right now. Every time I feel like complaining, I just think about all of the things that she sacrificed for me to get here. I can’t let that go to waste.

5. Do you have any embarrassing moments?

I have one, er a few. But one that I will share with you. Now this wasn’t embarrassing on my part but I still felt just as awkward. So one day I came back home from school. And it was one of those wintery, gray, lifeless days. Cozy. Anyways, I came home and dropped my stuff off in my room. I had to go to the bathroom so I went. Now, usually when the lights in the bathroom are off and the door is semi-open, that’s a good signal that it’s empty. But was it?!? NO! It wasn’t. My roommate thought that it would be convenient to be taking a dump with the door wide open and the lights off, because he thought that I wouldn’t be home for another good bit. Anyways, I felt so awkward. The minute that light switch went on and that surprised expletive left my mouth. Our conversations after that one moment were never the same.

6. Did you go to college, if so what did you study?

Hmm, I am currently a college student. And although it’s just hectic trying to balance AFROTC stuff with school as well as heading community service projects, I am studying Sociology while working on a minor in History. It’s definitely a lot of reading that’s for sure. But it’s nothing though compared to programming. <–That is definitely commitment.

7. Who is your favorite literary character?

My favorite literary character would definitely have to be Jay Gatsby. He is a man that seems to have everything. But in reality he is just looking for one thing. The poor guy only wanted one thing. And he ended up dying living a life that was never fulfilled to its potential.

8. If you could have any book turned into a film (that wouldn’t suck) what book would it be?

I know that it’s already been done, but I would definitely have a movie of the book “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”. Just think of a 2012 remake! Even though the original movie was pretty good. Jack Nicholson is just one creepy looking guy haha!

9. If you could switch lives with someone who would it be and why?

I would definitely want to switch lives with Bruce Lee. He was such a great role model for many people. Also I would want to know what kind of training he did daily and what motivated him to do the things that he did. And to be a student of my own philosophy. That would be pretty intense.

10. Do you enjoy ebooks or real books?

Definitely real books. There’s just something about the smell of a new book and the satisfaction of opening the crisp pages that only a real book can have. Plus it’s what I grew up with! I don’t know, it’s just a different experience reading a book from reading a screen. I just feel like it’s easier to be engulfed in the plot when you’re not staring at some screen for hours. Which is one reason why I really dislike when teachers assign readings from those e-textbooks. It’s just too hard to focus.

11. Have you ever seen/experienced any sort of paranormal activity before?

No I can’t say that I have, but I would love to go find a haunted house and do a little stakeout, Ghost Adventures style. I feel that you can’t really know unless you experience it for yourself. It would definitely be scary, and I probably would have second thoughts in the end. But exciting nonetheless.

August 28, 2012

Fun with Photoshop 4

Hmm, so Obama happens to be at my campus right now and you can absolutely tell. I’m pretty sure every firefighter, policeman, SWAT team, you name it…was called in today to help with the security. You never realize how much protection the man has until he visits your town. Not only that, but there’s a blackhawk flying around campus! Basically all of the streets around campus are closed, which turned out to be a nightmare of a traffic jam since whoever planned the route expects all commuters to go through only 2 main streets through the town. It’s a pretty neat experience however, except that I’m not there right now. For students, tickets to the event are free. And with everything free, they tend to run out fast. Also I had back to back classes today. Yea! The President happens to visit for the first time and our school still decides to go on with classes. Even though they closed down half of the campus, since he’s speaking right in the middle of it.

I just wanted to take a drive around campus to maybe catch a glimpse of the man, but no I would have had a better chance of trying to lose weight on a diet of lard and peanut butter icecream, while being flogged by a bunch of angry midgets. Anyways a usual 10 minute drive turned into a nightmarish 40 minute detour into the slums of my town. Yes, I got to discover potential places where I could possibly get mugged in the future. Couldn’t even get close enough to the campus to even maybe hear his voice. The only voices I heard were those that were screaming at the cars in front of them like it was going to make a difference. It’s almost as if people see more than 30 cars on the road at one time, not on the highway, they just forget how to drive. I had people making u-turns in the middle of traffic. People just stopping in the middle of the road for no reason. People that decided it would be fun to go in reverse. It was definitely fun to watch, but not fun to be in.

Anyways, so I just got home knowing that the President may never be that close in my life time and that I could have gotten a free ticket to see him speak, whether I agree with his policies or not. But no, I’m here right now and it’s ok though, I did make an effort to see him and in the process got to see many an adult play in a furious game of go-cart in the process. And also, I did find this picture…and it totally made me forget about the horrifying drive around town.

August 27, 2012

Would you look at that…I guess I’m it.

Alright-y! So I’ve been tagged and now I must answer many a questions. What perfect way to start the new year of procrastination! Haha, I’m already looking forward to Thanksgiving as we speak. But oh well. Thanks to Green Paw-Paw for the tag! So onto the rules!

The Rules

1. I must post the rules.
2. I must answer the questions the tagger listed for me (since I got tagged more than once, this isn’t going to be a nice pointy eleven).
3. I must create (or reuse) 11 questions for those I tag.
4. I must tag 11 people.
5. I must let them know they’ve been tagged.

1. If you had the power to ban a certain book, or certain kinds of books, however productive the outcome may be (think Twilight or Oliver’s Story), even if you knew a huge majority of readers might thank you for it, would you?

Hmm, as much as there are a certain number of books that I truly dislike, I don’t feel that it would be right to ban any book. Every book is the manifestation of the author’s view upon the world and I feel that nobody should be denied that right, author and audience alike. I feel that people are smart enough to have their own viewpoints and that an open mind will be more important in the long run. We don’t want to have a Fahrenheit 451 situation now, would we?

2. What is one book you wish you had written?

One book that I wish I had written…That’s a tough one. Well I guess it’s not necessarily a book by definition, but more of a comic, I would have loved to have been the creator of Bone. Just to have that much creative insight, with imagination, and a little dash of humour. Oh I’m now going to have to go read that once more!

3. You have finally achieved world domination and as new king/queen of the world, you need to fashion yourself a crown. But of course, you’re too cool for precious metals and the like. What would your crown be/be made of?

Oh my god, it’s about time! My crown would be made of the alien symbiote that makes up Venom from Spiderman. That way the crown would always be a part of me and no one would be able to take it. Also it would enhance my awesome abilities to become…well more awesome :P

4. Have you ever wondered how a doggie biscuit tastes and wanted to try?

Yes, yes I have. I haven’t though, just to set the record straight!

5. Is there a book that you weren’t able to complete for whatever reason, but lied about it and told people you did? Which one?

Harry Potter. It’s one of my greatest regrets. I was always ahead of the movies by a long shot (it was so neat comparing the book to the movie after they came out), until around the fifth book. I don’t exactly know what happened but I just stopped in the middle of the book and didn’t come back to it for the longest time. And when I did try and pick it back up…I totally had forgotten everything that had happened, and I didn’t want to start all the way from the beginning :(

6. Your choice of instant pick-me-up food?

Hmm, instant pick me up food. Definitely chocolate granola bars. So delicious. Also all the more better since I’m just a poor college kid.

7. If there was an appendage you could add to the human anatomy (wings, talons, a tail…), what would it be?

I guess this isn’t necessarily an appendage, but I would add low light visibility as an added capability to your eyes. So basically night vision. Who wouldn’t want to be able to see in the dark?!?!?

8. If you could go back in time and stop a famous event from taking place, what would it be and why?

I would definitely try and stop Martin Luther King from walking into his apartment that fateful day. I think that he was an amazing leader and such an inspiration for so many. It was almost unfair that he had to go as soon as he did. It would have been great to learn more about why he did what he did, and where that strength comes from. To stand against so many, just for what you believe in…

9,10,11. All the book characters you’ve ever loved are people in your immediate friend circle. Who would you turn to:

a) to make a bucket list with you and go all over the world fulfilling each item on the list?

I would want Jay Gatsby to make that ultimate bucket list. He just seems like a pretty awesome person in general. I just feel like we would have a lot to talk about. He seems to have everything, except the one thing that makes a person whole. The ability to share one’s thoughts and feelings with a significant other. But back to the bucket list, we would definitely have the funds to carry-out whatever we wanted to.

b) to plonk down next to you on that patch of moon land you guys bought, feel awesome, and somehow keep each other from dying of boredom until the next space shuttle comes to pick you up?

Definitely Hester Prynne. We would have so much fun, especially on the moon. She could use her witchcraft on me all she wants…if you know what I mean :P Haha, that’s so bad actually. Just forget that I said that.

c) when the world thinks you’re responsible for the attack on the entire human race by some random scary evil alien monsters and you are the only one who knows what they want but nobody will listen to you and you need somebody to help you save the world? (Sorry. This is a question that plagues me at night.)

Definitely Sherlock Holmes. He just has the innate ability to solve the most intricate of problems, so I’m pretty sure aliens monsters would be no problem. It would probably just end up being a troupe of angry midgets that vied for revenge because they could never reach the stool seats at their local restaurants. Or something in that manner.

And now, I tag thee:





Lazy Happy Bored Happy Sad…




Trying to Know Thyself

Doorway to Amaranthia


Alright, so for my questions!

1. What is your favorite quote, who is it from, and why?

2. Which song can bring you to tears or reminds you of your childhood?

3. What is one thing that keeps you going day in and day out?

4. Why did you start blogging?

5. Is there one thing that you regret not doing in the past? If so, would you be willing to share what that was on here?

6. What is one thing that you saw that restored your faith in the human race?

7. Rain or Sun?

8. What movie had the most impact on you? (A movie that just really made you challenge your view on anything)

9. List five words that describe your character.

10. What is your greatest fear?

11. What do you ultimately want to accomplish in the days to come?

Alright well there are my questions for you! I’ll be waiting to read all of these awesome answers. I know that these kinds of posts can take a quite a bit of time…so I understand if you don’t want to do it. Although it would be nice to get to know you all that much better :) Once again, thanks for the tag Green Paw-Paw! It was definitely fun going through your questions. And what an awesome way to start my year off! Haha, totally had a ton of chapters to read in my overly expensive textbooks. But sorry it took so long haha. I should probably get back to my homework now eh?

July 20, 2012

My Attempt at Poetry

The pale moon floats in the sky

I wake up in the dead of night

These are the nights that I despise

Where there is no hope, no light

It is always Dark

Countless thoughts

Afraid I’m the only one

In this struggle

That can not be won

It is always Dark

Desperate, looking for hope

Unlike the man on the docks

I search for Solace

In the glowing box

It is always Dark

What is so important

About the ills of One

I am nothing but a lie

Hiding a heart nearly gone

It is always Dark

But in the fires of a forge

Impurities are banished

And if not for my self

Then maybe for others

May I be a light

[So I’ve been trying to clean up my room (which should have happened a long time ago) and I happened to find this in one of my notebooks that I had saved from high school a couple years back. I’m pretty sure this was my Language Arts notebook…It definitely wasn’t the Math one (It’s too beat up to tell what’s written on the cover :/). Anyways, it seems to be something that I wrote while our class was on the topic of poetry. So there you have it, one of my first attempts at poetry…Please, don’t laugh too hard.]

June 7, 2012

5 More Days!

I can’t believe how quickly it’s coming up, but that is how many days until I leave for beautiful Alabama for Field Training! I’ve been nervous out of my mind! So much that I haven’t been able to sleep too well. I’ve had some pretty intense nightmares lately, but I’m probably just psyching myself out. Field Training is basically, well, a truncated form of basic training for Air Force ROTC cadets. It’s one of the big milestones that a cadet overcomes before becoming commissioned as soon as he/she graduates. One milestone that I never thought that I would reach, with it being fairly competitive as there are only a number of slots that each University can offer.

But I got that chance, the opportunity to do something big and just thinking about the impacts that it will have further down the road…it’s truly awesome what I’ll have the chance to be a part of! It’ll be awesome. But what really gets me is that I really don’t know what to expect. That’s the worst, not knowing what to expect. I’m ready…but I don’t know. I’ve never felt this nervous for anything before. I haven’t been able to sleep too well the last few days, as my nights have been riddled with so many different nightmares. Nightmares that all share one thing in common. About failing. Oh well, I can’t let that bring me down. I’ve already come too far. And everything turns out alright in the end. Now I just have to listen to my own advice eh?

But on the other hand, summer’s been great. The days just seem to drag by…which is exactly how I like it! I don’t want school to come around any faster than it needs to! Haha, I haven’t had anything school related to procrastinate on, hence why I’m not on here too often…although I just can’t imagine how many awesome crazy stories that I’ve been missing :( Oh well, I’ll definitely be back. Oh, one thing! What are some good songs to calm the nerves? Something to fall asleep to would work wonders :)

Anyways wish me luck! As I realize now that I’ll be down there in Alabama for both my birthday (my 21st of all of them! :O) and 4th of July!! Errgh. But what better way to spend the 4th with all my buddies down in Alabama on an AF base though haha. The first thing I’m going to do when I get back is buy the entire 6-7 seaons of The Office. I just love that show!! Alright well, I should really get to back as I’m sensing the incoherence of what I’m trying to say. So good night to you all! Or possibly morning…er evening. Sleep…why do you elude me?


May 13, 2012

Quick/Lazy Post

Alright, so I finally made it to the threshold known as summer! Definitely a relief, for a little bit anyways. I’m also back home, so now I don’t have to deal with the extreme awkwardness of walking into the bathroom that my roommate was occupying at the moment, or waking up in the middle of the night to my other roommate singing and playing the guitar like no one else lives in the home, or just saying hey to final roommate after coming home then being drawn into a solid 2 hours of one sided conversation where I get to hear how his day went down to every last detail, including which spoon he used to eat his cereal that morning. Oh it is so good to be home! Anyways, now that I don’t have any assignments to keep me busy (only the ominous day which I will leave to Alabama for Field Training) I still have to keep myself motivated! So anyways, I found these pictures earlier today and didn’t really have a place for them, so I thought I’d share them on here. Ahhhh, now off to my own bed, in my own home…:P

Sorry if the text is kind of small…

And one more to chew on…

May 7, 2012

And so…Finals week commences.

My study jam. Now I just need to study LOL.

And I will start that by being on WP, when I should absolutely be studying. My room is an absolute mess right now. I’ve got stuff everywhere. If a tornado were to somehow enter my room and just blow everything away, it still wouldn’t look as bad as it does now. Just add a few angry midgets in the mix with some wooden hammers and you’re probably on the right track.

Haha, on another note…I should totally have waited on posting these last two awards. At least until after finals week. The amount of traffic recently has totally kept me on here for way too long! But I’m not complaining. It’s amazing to know that when I first started…I figured that I would be the only reader. And now…I couldn’t have possibly have known that this supposedly ‘lame’ first attempt at a blog would’ve gotten to where it is now. But I just wanted to thank everyone out there for the incredible support. This blog wouldn’t be, if it weren’t for the incredible people that stop by and are kind enough to drop some advice, or wisdom, or even just a hi! Although it’s getting harder to personally thank everyone, it’s still one of the top priorities that I have. I think it means a lot more when you get a personal thanks from that person.

I know it totally makes me happier than a kid Christmas morning when some of the more well known blogs reply to something that I’ve said. Even if it may have been only one or two words haha. But it means a lot to know that they go through their comments and see who’s reading their stuff. So I’d like to reciprocate that as well. Boy, if WordPress was a class, it would be one of the few that I could ace without even studying.

Haha, I’ve finally narrowed it down to the last few comments :P

So anyways, this one’s out to you! Thanks for making this school year that much more bearable :) Now, should I finish up the night with some studying or by watching The Departed…

The Departed it is.