Posts tagged ‘parents’

May 3, 2012

Pencil and Eraser

I found this story a little bit back and it was definitely a shot to the chest. I’ve never really thought of it this way.

Pencil: I’m sorry

Eraser: For what? You didn’t do anything wrong.

Pencil: I’m sorry because you get hurt because of me. Whenever I made a mistake, you’re always there to erase it. But as you make my mistakes vanish, you lose a part of yourself. You get smaller and smaller each time.

Eraser: That’s true. But I don’t really mind. You see, I was made to do this. I was made to help you whenever you do something wrong. Even though one day, I know I’ll be gone and you’ll replace me with a new one, I’m actually happy with my job. So please, stop worrying. I hate seeing you sad.

I found this conversation between the pencil and the eraser very inspirational. Parents are like the eraser whereas their children are the pencil. They’re always there for their children, cleaning up their mistakes. Sometimes along the way, they get hurt, and become smaller / older, and eventually pass on. Though their children will eventually find someone new (spouse), but parents are still happy with what they do for their children, and will always hate seeing their precious ones worrying, or sad. All my life, I’ve been the pencil. And it pains me to see the eraser that is my parents getting smaller and smaller each day. For I know that one day, all that I’m left with would be eraser shavings and memories of what I used to have.

October 22, 2011

Definitely out the window…into the cold.

Hmm, so when I posted this, it decided not to be on top like a new post should but wanted to randomly be in the middle of all of my posts (yes all 4 of them…) So hopefully this one will be fixed. And my main picture for my page decided to switch to some peaceful snowy setting. What is going on?!?!? Anyways, I think I got everything back to normal.

So now it’s 11pm (edit*) and I happily bring to you the fact that I have done nothing today. Maybe besides the occasional gasp of air, a little time I set aside to feed myself, and a nice little video call with my parents and my brother…


Uncle Sam about sums it up here.

I probably could’ve been more productive sleeping. But anyways, wow this has been a blog happy day. An overkill of posts. Overkill in relation to Halo. I probably won’t be able to do 4 blogs a day, because well, frankly, I do have a life. Not the kind where I eat Giraffe Burgers for breakfast, BASE jump for an afternoon activity, and map the Aurora Borealis before bed. Still getting the hang of this…I really don’t know if I should do one long post at the end of the week, or just a bunch of small ones throughout the week. I realize that when I read other blogger’s work…the longer a post gets the faster my attention is lost to the same void where my saturday went (unless I’m reeeeallly interested, like how to crochet pffft haha) Hmm, so alright, I’ll try to keep it short and to the point. It usually never gets as bad as this, but today was just a day lost to the cause. Talking to my parents was good, I always look forward to it. My roommates can be a bit eccentric (<—-understatement) at times but what can you do? Make a blog that’s what. Anyways, I’m over school right now. It has got to be break like in 5 minutes, because I don’t know how much longer I can stand dealing with the myriad of people one encounters on a college campus. (haha more on this soooon)

I should probably just end this day’s misery and go to sleep. Tomorrow is a new day, new opportunities (to procrastinate) just kidding. But really, I can’t get over how wasteful of a day today was. Somebody slap me, please.