Posts tagged ‘Mac and Cheese’

April 28, 2012

A little about me.

Alright so I’ve been getting some questions here and there as to who I am and what I do. Alright, so who I am. Easy! I’m just an ordinary college kid, living life, you know doing the normal things that college kids do. Like live off of a pretty horrible diet of Ramen and Macaroni and Cheese <—haha. As well as just surviving day to day challenges that life brings. Overall, life is good! Yea there are some rough days, like I might have mentioned a bit in that last post. But you get over it. It’s not the end of the world, and I’m breathing still, so it’s all good. For sure.

Exactly how I feel today lol.

School has definitely been kicking my but lately, but oh well, you do what you can. One thing I realized lately though is that if there is one thing that you want to do in life, you should definitely have a passion for it. I couldn’t imagine doing something for 20 years, 30 years, or even a lifetime’s work of work where everyday was a total drag and I hated going to work. Definitely choose something that you have a desire to do, even on the hardest of days. Because liking what you do is half the battle, after that everything else will follow into place. But not finding that right fit will totally throw you off and there really is no going up from there. Anyways, that was just from my own personal experience (and what little of that do I have lol) and I thought it would be worthwhile to share. Anyways, I see that I’m not that great at answering questions or describing much about me either. Seems I like to go off topic a lot haha! Oh well. Hopefully it was satisfactory enough.

Just a little something extra about me! Thought I'd throw that in there as well. (That's me in the center :)